Parguk, Trident of Submission

A fearsome-looking trident with a single, large, glowing, red gemstone set just below the tines, and the word Parguk etched in orcish on the shaft.
- +1 to attack and damage rolls (1d6+1 / 1d8+1).
- On a successful hit, wielder can speak the command word (Parguk) as a free action.
- The target must Save vs Spells or become demoralized for 2d4 rounds.
- This triggers a Usage die check.
- Demoralized targets must immediately make a morale check (roll under) or surrender.
Usage Die
- Starts at d12.
- After each use, roll the current die, and on a 1-2, the die drops one step (d12 -> d10 -> d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> 1), as the glow becomes dimmer.
- When no more charges are left, it becomes inert.
Trident Properties
- Thrown: May be thrown and used as a ranged weapon (10β / 20β / 30β).
- Versatile: At start of combat round, if offhand is free, may choose to have trident deal 1d8 base damage for that round while gaining the following properties:
- Slow: Always attacks last in a round.
- Two-handed: Requires two hands to use.