
Four-legged, herbivorous dinosaur, 40’ long and 12’ high (at the shoulder), with a protective bone crest and three long horns on its head.

Hit Dice 11 (49hp)
Armor Class 17
Attacks 1 (+8) @ 3d6 (gore) or 1 (+8) @ 3d6 (trample)
Movement 30’
Saving Throws D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6)
Morale 8
Alignment Neutral
XP 1100
  • Territorial, attacks intruders on sight.


  • First round of combat only.
  • Requires 20 yard run to get up to speed.
  • Gore attack inflicts double damage.


  • 75% chance of trampling each round.
  • +4 to hit humanoid-sized or smaller targets.