Iron Golem

Huge (12’ tall), magically-powered, animated iron statue, armed with a massive sword.

Hit Dice 18* (81 hp)
Armor Class 17 (natural)
Movement 20’
Attacks 1 (+12) @ 4d10 (sword) or 1 @ poison breath
Alignment Neutral
Saving Throws D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (9)
Morale 12
XP 3.150
  • Immune to damage from non-magical weapons.

  • Immune to mind reading / altering spells and spell-like effects, (ex: charm, fear, hold, sleep).

  • No need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep.

  • Immune to damage from cold and heat (including fire).

  • When damaged by fire, heals 1 hp per hit point of damage dealt.

Poison Gas Breath

May exhale a 10’ cube cloud of poison gas.

  • May be used up to once per encounter.
  • Anyone caught in cloud must Save vs Poison or die.