Mummy Lord
A powerful, preserved, undead humanoid, often found wrapped in funerary bandages.
Hit Dice | 10** (45 hp) |
Armor Class | 17 |
Movement | 40’ |
Attacks | 1 (+8) @ rot (touch, 2d10 + disease) |
Alignment | Chaotic |
Saving Throws | D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10) |
Morale | 12 |
- Typically found haunting ruins and tombs.
- Anyone seeing a mummy lord must Save vs Paralyze or be paralyzed with terror.
- Paralysis is broken if mummy lord attacks them or goes out of sight.
- Immune to all damage except fire or magic.
- Any damage taken is reduced by 50%.
- Gains advantage on saves vs spells and other magical effects.
- When destroyed, if heart remains intact, will reform body (with full HP) 1d4 days later.
- Can cast spells as a 10th level priest.
Anyone touched by a mummy must Save vs Poison or contract a rotting disease.
- Must save after each touch (unless infected).
- While infected:
- Can’t regain hit points,
- Loses 1 HD every day.
- If HD drops to 0, victim dies and turns to dust.
- Healing occurs at 10% normal rate.
- Disease can only be removed by magic (ex: Cure Disease spell)
Can change into Cloud of Sand at will.
- Each change takes 1 round.
- Can take humanoid form or Cloud of Sand.
- Clothes and equipment carried remain in possession but inaccessible while in non-humanoid form.
Cloud of Sand
Hit Dice | 7** (31 hp) |
Armor Class | 17 |
Movement | 60’ flying |
Attacks | None |
Saving Throws | D8 W9 P10 B10 S12 (7) |
Morale | 12 |
- Immune to all weapons while in this form.
- Unable to attack while in this form.
- Any creature that becomes adjacent to this form must Save vs Blasts or be [blinded] until for one combat round (their next attack).