
Humanoid cursed to shapeshift into an intelligent giant fox.

Hit Dice 3+2* (15hp)
Armor Class 13 (10 in humanoid form)
Attacks +3: 1 @ 1d6 (bite) or 1 @ 1d8 (sword or other weapon)
Movement 60’ / 30’ swimming
Saving Throws D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3)
Morale 8
Alignment Neutral
XP 75


Once per day, may force target humanoid within 30’ to Save vs Spells or be charmed for up to 1 minute.

  • The charmed victim obeys the werefox’s commands.
  • The victim gets another chance to save and break the charm’s effects if they receive a suicidal command or take damage.
  • After succeeding on the save, target is immune to the werefox’s charm for 24 hours.

As Spellcasters

Have a natural inclination towards magic, and are often capable of casting spells.

  • Spells can only be cast when in humanoid or hybrid form.
  • Spellcasting werefoxes get one (or more) additional * when calculating XP.


  • Immune to damage from mundane, non-silver weapons.
  • When hit with wolfsbane, must Save vs Poison or flee, as with the Scare spell.
  • While not in contact with silver or wolfsbane, heals 1 hp at the end of each combat round in which they take no damage.
  • Capable of shifting between (natural) humanoid form, animal form, and a hybrid form.
    • Takes one combat round to shift form, can attack as new form at end of round.
    • Must change into and remain in hybrid or animal form during a full moon.
  • Cannot wear armor, as it limits their ability to shapeshift.
  • Cannot use beak, bite, claw, or talon attacks when in humanoid form.
  • Humanoid form usually retains some characteristics from animal form.
  • While in animal form, can only speak with animals of that type (unless otherwise noted).
  • Cannot use weapons while in animal form.
  • May summon 1d2 animals associated with their animal form from the surrounding area.
    • Animals arrive in 1d4 rounds.
  • When killed in animal or hybrid form, reverts to humanoid form.
  • Can smell other werebeasts.
  • Some animals can smell werebeasts, and are afraid of them.


When a humanoid loses more than 1/2 of their max hit points from the natural attacks of a werebeast (ex: bite or claw), they must Save vs Poison or become infected with therianthropy.

  • The disease takes 2d12 days to fully infect, with signs of infection appearing halfway through.
  • Humanoids become the same type of werebeasts (and are typically run by the referee, at least while transformed).

At Higher Levels

Higher-Level Werefoxes
HD HP AC Atk Mod Dmg Mod XP
4+2* 20 15 / 10 +3 +1 200
5+2* 24 16 / 10 +4 +2 400
6+2* 29 16 / 11 +5 +2 650