
Humanoid cursed to shapeshift into a semi-intelligent giant wolverine.

Hit Dice 5+1* (23hp)
Armor Class 16 (11 in humanoid form)
Attacks +4: 2 @ 1d6 (claw) & 1 @ 1d10 (bite), or 1 @ 1d8 (sword or other weapon)
Movement 50’
Saving Throws D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4)
Morale 10
Alignment Chaotic
XP 400

Battle Rage

When in human or hybrid form, may enter a berserk rage:

  • +2 to hit.
  • Skip morale check (fight to the death).
  • After killing target, Save vs Death or attack nearest creature next round (regardless of affiliation).


  • Immune to damage from mundane, non-silver weapons.
  • When hit with wolfsbane, must Save vs Poison or flee, as with the Scare spell.
  • While not in contact with silver or wolfsbane, heals 1 hp at the end of each combat round in which they take no damage.
  • Capable of shifting between (natural) humanoid form, animal form, and a hybrid form.
    • Takes one combat round to shift form, can attack as new form at end of round.
    • Must change into and remain in hybrid or animal form during a full moon.
  • Cannot wear armor, as it limits their ability to shapeshift.
  • Cannot use beak, bite, claw, or talon attacks when in humanoid form.
  • Humanoid form usually retains some characteristics from animal form.
  • While in animal form, can only speak with animals of that type (unless otherwise noted).
  • Cannot use weapons while in animal form.
  • May summon 1d2 animals associated with their animal form from the surrounding area.
    • Animals arrive in 1d4 rounds.
  • When killed in animal or hybrid form, reverts to humanoid form.
  • Can smell other werebeasts.
  • Some animals can smell werebeasts, and are afraid of them.


When a humanoid loses more than 1/2 of their max hit points from the natural attacks of a werebeast (ex: bite or claw), they must Save vs Poison or become infected with therianthropy.

  • The disease takes 2d12 days to fully infect, with signs of infection appearing halfway through.
  • Humanoids become the same type of werebeasts (and are typically run by the referee, at least while transformed).