Lor'nath, Breaker of Darkness

Lor’nath, Breaker of Darkness, created with Bing Image Creator, released under a CC0 license.

A pale, silver mace of very fine craftsmanship, etched with archaic runes in a dwarvish script, and held with a grip wrapped in fine black leather.


  • +1 to attack and damage rolls (1d6+1).
  • +3 to attack and damage rolls against Kho’pru or those enchanted by them.
  • Anyone under control of the Kho’pru who is touched by this weapon may make a Save vs Spells at +2 to break their control.


As a sentient magic item, Lor’nath has the following attributes:

  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Communication: Speech - A deep, bellowing voice.
  • Languages: Alignment (Neutral), Dwarvish
  • Purpose: Stop the Kho’pru invasion.

Sensory Powers

  • Detect slopes: Wielder can sense sloped floors in a 10’ radius.
  • Detect good or evil: Wielder can sense any good or evil intentions within 20’.
  • Detect metals: Wielder can name a type of metal and sense the direction to the nearest metal of that type within 60’.
    • Blocked by lead.


Wielder can read the thoughts of a living creature within 60’.

  • To activate, wielder must hold weapon while concentrating in direction of target.
    • While concentrating, wielder can empathically read and understand target’s thoughts.
    • Wielder may then attempt to initiate bidirectional telepathic communication with the target (who is not compelled to reply), which can continue while concentration is held.
  • Blocked by lead.