Pet Rock

A small polished stone, about 2-inches in diameter, typically with a rune or glyph on carved on it.
Bonds: With anyone who gives it a command while holding it, treating that person as it’s master.
Commands: Responds to (at least) 3 commands:
- Attack - When spoken while being held by its master, the pet rock will leap from its master’s hand and fly at any one opponent of its master’s choice within 60 feet, attacking with a +3 to hit. On a successful hit, the pet rock inflicts 1d8 damage. If the pet rock hits a creature or object made of stone, roll a d20. On a 15 or less, the rock shatters instantly, but not before dealing an additional 2d10 points of damage to the target. Once used for an attack, if it isn’t destroyed, the pet rock will immediately fly back to it’s master’s hand.
- Heel - When spoken while being held by its master, the pet rock moves to a space just behind its master and floats about a foot off the ground.
- Come - When spoken by its master, the pet rock leaps from wherever it is (within sight) to its master’s hand.
Adapted from original version by Roger E. Moore, as published in Dragon Magazine #45.