Scarab of Protection

Scarab of protection created with Bing Image Creator, released under a CC0 license.

A small, golden medallion shaped like a beetle and inlaid with a single, round, glowing, white gem in the center.

  • While held in hand for 1 round, an arcane inscription appears on the edge of the amulet revealing its nature.
  • Wielder gains advantage on saves vs spells.
  • Wielder is protected from all types of curses (including Finger of Death).
    • Each curse that is nullified triggers a Usage Die check.
  • When wielder fails a saves vs spells, can trigger a Usage Die check to turn that failure into a success.

Usage Die

  • Starts at d10.
  • After each use, roll the current die, and on a 1-2, the die drops one step (d10 -> d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> 1), as the glow becomes dimmer.
  • When no more charges are left, it becomes inert.