Charm Person

Level 1
Duration One or more days
Range 120’
Targets Single human, humanoid, or human-like creature

A single human, humanoid, or human-like creature of 4HD or less must Save vs Spells or be charmed.

  • Charmed subjects:
    • Treat the caster as a close friend, coming to their aid as needed; and
    • Follow commands that they can understand from the caster, unless they contradict the subject’s nature or are suicidal.
  • Undead and creatures of 4+1HD or greater are immune.
  • Charm lasts indefinitely, but subjects may break the charm with a successful Save vs Spells roll, which may be attempted at different intervals based on the subjects INT score:
    • INT 3-8: Once every month.
    • INT 9-12: Once every week.
    • INT 13-18: Once every day.