Continual Light

Level 2
Duration Permanent
Range 120’
Targets Self or target point, creature, object, or spell

Caster may choose one of the following effects:

  • Conjure Light: 30’ radius, light is as bright as full daylight (and affects creatures as daylight).
    • May be cast on an object, attaching the light to it.
  • Blind Creature: Caster targets eyes of creature within range, targeted creature must Save vs Spells or be blinded by the light.
    • Blind creatures only hit on a natural 20.
  • Cancel Darkness: May be used to cancel a Continual Darkness spell.

Continual Darkness

Reversed version of Continual Light.

Caster may choose one of the following effects:

  • Conjure Darkness: Create a 30’ radius area of magical darkness at target point or object.
    • Cannot be illuminated by mundane light sources.
  • Blind Creature: As with Continual Light, except target creature is blinded by the darkness.
  • Cancel Light: May be used to cancel a Continual Light spell.