Referee's Screen
Combat Procedure (10s)
Declare Spells, Defending, Retreats, Special Attacks, and Versatile Weapons
Roll Initiative: Each side rolls 1d20.
Winning Side Actions:
- Morale Check
- Movement and Action (any order)
Change Sides: In initiative order.
Slow Weapons
Encounter Sequence
- Stealth: Referee rolls for stealth, if applicable.
- Determine Distance: 2d6 x 10’ in dungeon, 4d6 x 10 yards (or 1d4 x 10 yards if either side has stealth) in wilderness.
- Roll Initiative: Each side that has stealth rolls 1d20, highest roll moves first.
- Choose Actions: Each side decides how they will respond in initiative order, and the encounter proceeds.
- End Turn: Each encounter is assumed to take at least one full turn to complete.
Group Skills
- Board: To position vehicles for boarding.
- All: 2-in-6
- Forage: To find food while traveling overland.
- All: 1-in-6
- Barbarian: 2-in-6
- Ranger: 2-in-6
- Hunt: To find food dedicating time to the task.
- All: 1-in-6
- Barbarian: 5-in-6
- Ranger: 5-in-6
- Pathfind: To navigate without a road or river, varies by terrain type
- Clear, grasslands: 5-in-6.
- Barren lands, hills, mountains, woods: 4-in-6.
- Druid in woodlands: 5-in-6
- Desert, jungle, swamp: 3-in-6.
- Stealth To pass unnoticed by foes
- Light = no stealth, base 2-in-6 chance otherwise.
- Failure of group can trigger individual skill checks (ex: thief, halfling).
Individual Skills
- Force: To force open doors through strength.
- Determined by STR
- Light Fire: Use a tinderbox to light a fire.
- All: 2-in-6
- Listen: To hear monsters through doors (breaking their stealth).
- Humans: 1-in-6
- Demihumans: 2-in-6
- Thief: by level
- Luck: To avoid triggering traps by stepping over a pressure plate instead of on it.
- All: 4-in-6 (based on traps only triggering on 1-2)
- Know Lore: Identify an item
- Bard: 2-in 6 chance
- Search: To find hidden passages and traps.
- Humans: 1-in-6
- Demihumans: 2-in-6
- Stealth: When the party fails its stealth check, stealthy classes get another chance.
- Deurgar: 3-in-6
- Halflings: 2-in-6
- Ranger: 3-in-6 (in woods)
- Svirfneblin: 4-in-6 (in gloomy underground conditions)
- Thieves: Varies with level
Morale Check
Creatures who’ve been severely wounded or seen their leaders killed may flee.
- Roll 2d6 under morale score or the monsters surrender / flee.
- After 2 successes in a fight, no further checks.
- When to check morale: - After the first death on a side, and - When a side is half killed or incapacitated.
Reaction Roll
Roll 2d6 + CHA bonus.
- 2-: Hostile, attacks
- 3-5: Unfriendly, may attack
- 6-8: Neutral, uncertain
- 9-11: Indifferent, uninterested
- 12+: Friendly, helpful
Stealth / Surprise
- Referee rolls 1d6 for stealth, if applicable.
- Each side that’s being relatively stealthy (quiet, douses torches, etc.) has a base 2-in-6 chance of not being spotted.
- Parties carrying an active light source typically can not have stealth.
- If only one side has stealth, they may usually make a free attack (or can pass unnoticed).
- If all sides have stealth, they miss each other.
Turn Undead
Divine Spellcaster rolls 2d6, then consults table.
If table says “T”, roll indicates how many HD of undead are turned
If table has a number, compare that number with the roll
- If the roll is less than the target number, the turning attempt fails.
- If the roll equals or exceeds the target number, roll another 2d6 to determine how many HD of undead are turned.