Sayka, Sword of Charming

Sayka, Sword of Charming, created with Bing Image Creator, released under a CC0 license.

A finely-honed silver short sword with decorative golden adornments, and a large purple gem which glows faintly from its ornate hilt.

  • +2 to attack and damage rolls (1d6+2).

Charm Person

Once per day, wielder can speak the command word (Sayka) while touching the sword and looking at target human, humanoid, or human-like creature within 60’.

  • Target creature must Save vs Spells or be charmed as per the Charm Person spell.

Usage Die

  • Starts at d8.
  • After each use, roll the current die, and on a 1-2, the die drops one step (d8 -> d6 -> d4 -> 1), as the glow becomes dimmer.
  • When no more charges are left, the gem ceases to glow, and the sword loses all magical qualities.