Warlock Spell List

The following list of spells may be cast by Warlock characters.

1st Level

  1. Calm / Scare
  2. Charm Person
  3. Light / Darkness
  4. Detect Magic
  5. Read Languages
  6. Read Magic
  7. Read Thoughts
  8. Whisper

2nd Level

  1. ESP
  2. Hidden Step
  3. Invisibility
  4. Levitate
  5. Lock / Knock
  6. Mirror Image
  7. Phantasmal Force
  8. Resist Fire

3rd Level

  1. Clairvoyance
  2. Fly
  3. Haste
  4. Infravision
  5. Lightning Bolt
  6. Moonlight
  7. Speak
  8. Water Breathing

4th Level

  1. Black Tentacles
  2. Charm Monster
  3. Confusion
  4. Curse
  5. Dimension Door
  6. Polymorph Self
  7. Wizard Eye

5th Level

  1. Contact Higher Plane
  2. Feeblemind
  3. Magic Jar
  4. Raise Dead (Finger of Death)
  5. Telekinesis
  6. Teleport