Known Arcane Spells

This list documents all known arcane spells in the multiverse, and as such, is a perpetual work-in-progress.

Most that aren’t found here can be found elsewhere (like the OSE SRD, or the 5E SRD, although spells from latter will probably require some translation).

1st Level

  1. Befriend Animal
  2. Calm / Scare
  3. Charm Person
  4. Chill Touch
  5. Chromatic Orb
  6. Color Spray
  7. Command Dead
  8. Corpse Visage
  9. Dancing Lights
  10. Deathlight
  11. Decay / Preserve
  12. Detect Illusion
  13. Detect Magic
  14. Detect Undead
  15. Floating Disc
  16. Glamour
  17. Grow / Shrink
  18. Hold Portal
  19. Hypnotize
  20. Illusory Sound
  21. Light / Darkness
  22. Magic Missile
  23. Marionette
  24. Pass Undead
  25. Protection from Evil
  26. Read Languages
  27. Read Magic
  28. Read Thoughts
  29. Shield
  30. Skull Speech
  31. Sleep
  32. Undead Servitor
  33. Ventriloquism
  34. Wall of Fog
  35. Whisper

2nd Level

  1. Blind / Deafen
  2. Blur
  3. Bone Armor
  4. Captivate
  5. Choke
  6. Continual Light / Continual Darkness
  7. Death Recall
  8. Detect Evil
  9. Detect Invisible
  10. ESP
  11. False Aura
  12. Feign Death
  13. Hidden Step
  14. Hypnotic Pattern
  15. Improved Phantasmal Force
  16. Invisibility
  17. Levitate
  18. Locate Object
  19. Lock / Knock
  20. Mirror Image
  21. Paralyzing Touch
  22. Phantasmal Force
  23. Quasimorph
  24. Seal / Unseal (Tomb)
  25. Skeletal Steed
  26. Skull Sight
  27. Silence 15’ Radius
  28. Speak with Dead
  29. Spectral Hand
  30. Web
  31. Whispering Wind

3rd Level

  1. Clairvoyance
  2. Dispel Illusion
  3. Dispel Magic
  4. Fear
  5. Fire Ball
  6. Fly
  7. Haste / Slow
  8. Hold Person
  9. Infravision
  10. Invisibility 10’ Radius
  11. Lightning Bolt
  12. Magic Mouth
  13. Moonlight
  14. Nondetection
  15. Paralyze
  16. Phantom Steed
  17. Protection from Evil 10’ Radius
  18. Protection from Normal Missiles
  19. Rope Trick
  20. Speak in Tongues
  21. Speak with Dead
  22. Spectral Force
  23. Suggestion
  24. Water Breathing
  25. Wraithform

4th Level

  1. Black Tentacles
  2. Charm Monster
  3. Confusion
  4. Dimension Jump
  5. Dispel Magic
  6. Emotion
  7. Growth of Plants
  8. Illusory Stamina
  9. Illusory Terrain
  10. Improved Invisibility
  11. Massmorph
  12. Minor Creation
  13. Phantasmal Killer
  14. Polymorph Others
  15. Polymorph Self
  16. Rainbow Pattern
  17. Remove Curse (Curse)
  18. Shadow Monsters
  19. Solid Fog
  20. Veil of Abandoning
  21. Wall of Fire
  22. Wall of Ice
  23. Wizard Eye

5th Level

  1. Animate Dead
  2. Chaos
  3. Cloudkill
  4. Conjure Elemental
  5. Contact Higher Plane
  6. Demi-Shadow Monsters
  7. Feeblemind
  8. Hold Monster
  9. Illusion
  10. Looking Glass
  11. Magic Jar
  12. Major Creation
  13. Maze of Mirrors
  14. Pass-Wall
  15. Projected Image
  16. Seeming
  17. Shadowcast
  18. Shadowy Transformation
  19. Telekinesis
  20. Teleport
  21. Time Flow
  22. Transmute Rock to Mud (Mud to Rock)
  23. Visitation
  24. Wall of Stone

6th Level

  1. Acid Fog
  2. Anti-Magic Shell
  3. Control Weather
  4. Dream Quest
  5. Disintegrate
  6. Geas (Remove Geas)
  7. Impersonation
  8. Invisible Stalker
  9. Lower Water
  10. Manifest Dream
  11. Mass Suggestion
  12. Mislead
  13. Move Earth
  14. Part Water
  15. Permanent Illusion
  16. Projected Image
  17. Reincarnation
  18. Shades
  19. Stone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)
  20. Through the Looking Glass
  21. Triggered Illusion
  22. True Seeing
  23. Vision
  24. Word of Death